(08) 9293 4946

Corporate Bowls

Corporate bowls is played in February and October each year. 

The February season runs for approximately nine weeks and the October season for about six weeks.

All you need is four players (and maybe a reserve) to form a team to play against other teams.

No experience needed.

It is played on Wednesday nights and starts at 7:00pm and finishes around 9:00pm.

Bowls and tuition are included.  To protect the greens, flat soled shoes (no ripples) are required (bare feet is fine).

There is a nomination fee per team and weekly green fees.


There are weekly prizes, encouragement awards, end of season prizes and a perpetual trophy presented to the winning team.

Meals are also available on the night so get some friends/ workmates together to form a team and break up the week with some fun.

Inquiries regarding team nominations can be sent to admin@kalamundaclubinc.com or phone 9293 4946.